ISG Startup Challenge
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 4:40 PM - 5:40 PM
Colas Truong- ISG
Dorotea Baljevic- ISG
Christophe de Boisset- ISG
Sabrina Bensifi- Bankr Club
Aser Cortines- Multiverse Computing
Michel Kurek- Multiverse Computing
Arno Ricou- Quandela
Claire-Marine d'Ussel- Quandela
Hamze Ghalebi- Welcome Place
Florent Appella- Danone
Dorotea Baljevic- ISG
Christophe de Boisset- ISG
Sabrina Bensifi- Bankr Club
Aser Cortines- Multiverse Computing
Michel Kurek- Multiverse Computing
Arno Ricou- Quandela
Claire-Marine d'Ussel- Quandela
Hamze Ghalebi- Welcome Place
Florent Appella- Danone

Entrepreneurs behind innovative solutions will each present pitches on why their technology is best and how it will add the most value to business. After some tough questions from our judges, the audience will have their chance to vote on which technology they are more likely to implement within their own organizations. Who should win this startup challenge?
Location Name
Les jardins d’Eyrignac
Full Address
Châteauform’ City Les Jardins de Saint Dominique
49-51 Rue Saint-Dominique
Paris 75007
49-51 Rue Saint-Dominique
Paris 75007
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Start Up Challenge