PANEL: Digital Tools to Foster Growth & Employee Experience
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Hannah Ward Suzan Dixon Rob Garlick Daniel Sechi

The impact of modernized banking infrastructures can’t be underestimated. Implementing organizational change management strategies that prioritize transparent communication, employee engagement, comprehensive training, and effective leadership, is key for banking and financial services institutions in Europe to foster a supportive environment for change, leading to improved employee experience, higher morale, and increased productivity. Our panel of industry experts will discuss how they have integrated digital changes and addressed the people side of change within their organizations. Attendees will discover
•    How innovation can be used as a tool for cutting costs as well as fostering employee growth
•    How to attract and retain the skillsets needed to support your digitalization strategy
•    How to empower our employees to create an organizational culture of collaboration and creativity 

Location Name
Les jardins d’Eyrignac
Full Address
Châteauform’ City Les Jardins de Saint Dominique
49-51 Rue Saint-Dominique
Paris 75007
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Organizational Change Management: Infrastructure & Employee Journey